
Exportar 302 resultados:
M. Sánchez, López, C. Quesada, Martínez, A. , y Jenkins, M. , «Desarrollo de un prototipo de herramienta para automatizar el conteo de puntos SNAP de la interfaz gráfica en proyectos realizados con Drupal», in V Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software, Salud Electrónica y Móvil - AmITIC 2022, 2022.
J. A. Brenes, Pastor, F. Javier Fer, Lopez, G. , y Marín-Raventós, G. , «Designing a Context-Aware Smart Notifications System for Precision Agriculture», in Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2022), 2022.
M. Barquero, Marín-Raventós, G. , y Lopez, G. , «Designing a Diagnosis Instrument to Determine e-Commerce Readiness for Micro and Small Enterprises in Rural Areas», CLEI Electronic Journal, vol. 25, 2022.
M. Cersosimo y Lara, A. , «Detecting Malicious Domains using the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit», in NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2022.
M. Cersosimo y Lara, A. , «Detecting Malicious Domains using the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit», in NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2022.
M. Sanchez, Jenkins, M. , Quesada-López, C. , y Martinez, A. , «Development of a prototype tool to automate the counting of SNAP function points of the graphical interface», in 2022 V Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil (AmITIC), 2022.
S. Romero-Pérez, Smith-Arias, K. , Corrales-Cortés, L. , Ramírez-Benavides, K. , Vega, A. , y Mora, A. , «Evaluating Virtual and Local Pepper Presence in the Role of Communicator Interacting with Another Human Presenter at a Vocational Fair of Computer Sciences», in Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation, Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 580–589.
A. Pacheco, Marín-Raventós, G. , Spinola, R. , Lopez, G. , y Seaman, C. , «Making Technical Debt Visible Using Hybrid Sankey Diagrams: An Industrial Case Study», International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 32, pp. 1583–1616, 2022.
R. Villalón-Fonseca, «The nature of security: A conceptual framework for integral-comprehensive modeling of IT security and cybersecurity», Computers & Security, vol. 120, p. 102805, 2022.
R. Ramač, Mandić, V. , Taušan, N. , Rios, N. , Freire, S. , Pérez, B. , Castellanos, C. , Correal, D. , Pacheco, A. , Lopez, G. , Izurieta, C. , Seaman, C. , y Spinola, R. , «Prevalence, common causes and effects of technical debt: Results from a family of surveys with the IT industry», Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 184, p. 111114, 2022.
F. Adrian Vargas-Barrantes, Marín-Raventós, G. , Lopez-Herrera, G. , y Casasola-Murillo, E. , «Social Network Analysis for Automatic Ranking of Political Stakeholders: a Case Study», in 2022 XVLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 2022.
F. Adrián Vargas-Barrantes, Marín-Raventós, G. , López-Herrera, G. , y Casasola-Murillo, E. , «Social Network Analysis for Automatic Ranking of Political Stakeholders: a Case Study», in 2022 XVLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 2022.
B. Aymerich Fuentes y Jenkins, M. , «Use of CMMI-DEV 2.0 for continuous process improvement in an agile organization: a case study», in 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2022.
L. D. Mora-Jimenez, Ramírez-Benavides, K. , Quesada, L. , Lopez, G. , y Guerrero, L. A. , «User Experience in Communication and Collaboration Platforms: A Comparative Study Including Discord, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom», in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 52–61.
E. Brenes, Chavarría, J. , Murillo, D. , Sanahuja, L. , Wang, S. , Lara, A. , López, G. , Quesada, L. , y Brenes, J. Antonio, «User - Smart Building Interactions: An Analysis of Privacy and Productivity Human Factors», in Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2022), Cham, 2022.
J. A. Brenes y Marín-Raventós, G. , «When One Wireless Technology is Not Enough: A Network Architecture for Precision Agriculture Using LoRa, Wi-Fi, and LTE», in Intelligent Sustainable Systems, 2022.
J. Ramírez-Méndez, Quesada-López, C. , y Jenkins, M. , «Agent-based tool for model-based test case generation and execution», in 2021 IEEE V Jornadas Costarricenses de Investigación en Computación e Informática (JoCICI), 2021.
J. Ramírez-Méndez, Quesada-López, C. , Martinez, A. , y Jenkins, M. , «Agent-Oriented Approaches for Model-Based Software Testing: A Mapping Study», in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 340–349.
B. Aymerich Fuentes, Cersosimo, M. , y Jenkins, M. , «Application of Process Metrics for Software Testing: A Case Study», in 2021 IEEE V Jornadas Costarricenses de Investigación en Computación e Informática (JoCICI), 2021.
C. Asch, Galvez, G. , Rios, E. , Vargas, J. Jose, Quesada, L. , Barrantes, G. , y Lara, A. , «Asynchronous Detection of Slowloris Attacks Via Random Forests», in 2021 IEEE V Jornadas Costarricenses de Investigación en Computación e Informática (JoCICI), 2021.
S. Hamer, Quesada, C. , y Jenkins, M. , «Automatically recovering students' missing trace links between commits and user stories», in XXIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CibSE 2021), Costa Rica, 2021.
J. B. Jiménez, Martínez, A. , Quesada-López, C. , y Jenkins, M. , «Blockchain para la seguridad de la Internet de las Cosas: un estudio terciario», Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, pp. 330-343, 2021.
M. Isabel Murillo, Pacheco, A. , López, G. , Marín, G. , y Guzmán, J. , «Common Causes and Effects of Technical Debt in Costa Rica: InsighTD Survey Replication», in 2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 2021.
L. Villalobos-Arias y Quesada, C. , «Comparative study of Random Search Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Software Effort Estimation», in International Conference on Predictable Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering (PROMISE 21)., Estados Unidos, 2021.
C. Martínez Hernández, Martinez, A. , Quesada-López, C. , y Jenkins, M. , «Comparison of End-to-End Testing Tools for Microservices: A Case Study», in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 407–416.
