Development of a prototype tool to automate the counting of SNAP function points of the graphical interface


In this work we present the results of the creation and evaluation of a tool prototype that automatically calculates the size of the non-functional requirements (NFR) of the User Interface 2.1 subcategory of the SNAP (Software Non-functional Requirements) method. Assessment Process). We evaluated the accuracy of the tool compared to manual counting and results show an accuracy level of 100% in SNAP point counting for category 2.1 graphical interface, although with some differences in the correct detection of user interface properties. This work demonstrates the feasibility of a software tool to automate the counting of SNAP points.

Tipo de publicación: Conference Paper

Publicado en: 2022 V Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil (AmITIC)

  • Merlin Sanchez
  • Marcelo Jenkins
  • Christian Quesada-López
  • Alexandra Martinez

Investigadores del CITIC asociados a la publicación
Dr. Christian Quesada-López
Dr. Marcelo Jenkins Coronas
Dra. Alexandra Martínez Porras

Proyecto asociado a la publicación


Datos bibliográficos
Cita bibliográfica
Development of a prototype tool to automate the counting of SNAP function points of the graphical interface