Playing with Metaphors: A Methodology to Design Video Games for Learning Abstract Programming Concepts

TítuloPlaying with Metaphors: A Methodology to Design Video Games for Learning Abstract Programming Concepts
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AutoresHidalgo-Céspedes, J, Marín-Raventós, G, Lara-Villagrán, V
Conference NameProceedings of the 2014 Conference on Innovation & Technology in Computer Science Education
Conference LocationUppsala, Sweaden
ISBN Number978-1-4503-2833-3
Palabras clavelearning, metaphor, programming language, video game

Learning to program a computer is a difficult task for many Computer Science students. Constructivism theory states that learning is unavoidably done through association of new concepts with existing ones. In order to learn abstract programming concepts, like memory indirection and execution threads, students must build them upon life experience concepts. We hypothesize that easing the association process by using metaphors, and letting students program them directly through video games, can foster learning of abstract concepts. We propose a methodology to design video games under this principle, and provide an example using metaphors for difficult abstract programming concepts.
