An Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods

TítuloAn Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AutoresQuesada-López, C, Jenkins, M
Conference NameIbero-American Conference on Software Engineering
Conference LocationLima, Peru
ISBN Number978-9972-825-80-4
Palabras claveAutomated Function Points AFP, Experimental procedure., Function Point Analysis FPA, function points, Functional size measurement

Software size is one of the key factors that has the potential to affect the effort of software projects. Providing accurate software size estimation is a complex task. A number of functional size measurement (FSM) methods have been proposed to quantify the size of software based on functional user requirements (user perspective). Function point analysis (FPA) was the first proposal for a FSM method and it is one of the most accepted FSM methods in the industry. Automated Function Point (AFP) method state the guidelines for automating FPA counting from software source code.